Over 30 Years Experience In The Aesthetics Industry

TruSkin EZLight Broad Spectrum Light BSL Laser: 
A Go-To Photo Rejuvenation Treatment

Deliver Aging's Kryptonite Via Filtered Light

Introducing Broad Spectrum Light and this absolute workhorse of a machine from our line of lasers. This device can be used for treating: 

  • Pigmentation issues
  • Hair removal
  • Acne
  • Vascular therapy; and 
  • Skin rejuvenation

The TruSkin EZLight Broad Spectrum Light BSL Laser is a very easy-to-use laser and can be delegated down to aestheticians and non-physicians. It comes with an ergonimic handle and foot pedal operation. The machine is very functional and has a sleek user interface. 

Our laser allows you to select different spot sizes, pulse duration, power levels, and contact cooling levels for the specific treatment you are going to apply. 

It is an FDA cleared device and allows you to customize the treatment required for the various skin conditions you are looking to treat. 

BBL lasers are becoming very popular in many med spa and aesthetic settings, and our Broad Spectrum Light offering is a must-have for all. 

*Pricing based on Tier One Medical Rate. Available to qualified customers. Price varies based on rate, term, and credit score. Subject to credit approval and credit limit. Advertised monthly payment amount is an estimate and may change with the addition of freight, taxes, and/or other charges. Call for an estimate on our special financing program.
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TruSkin Aesthetic is such an amazing team to work with. They are very reliable & knowledgeable about their products. Kate was awesome to work with for my EZGel training. Not only is she very knowledgable, she very fun to work with!

Lisa Campbell
April 13, 2024

Truskin aesthetic group was amazing to work with! They came to my practice for a microneedling training, and answered all of my questions effortlessly! I liked them so much, I’m scheduling a PRF EZ gel training in the near future !

Leah Salazar
April 12, 2024

Kate Ibarguen was my rep for EZ Gel and she was absolutely amazing to work with. Flexible, comfortable, very knowledgable about the product and super accessible for support afterwards. I had never used cannula and she made me feel comfortable using it on my model. She was so fun that I really just wanted to hang and have a drink afterwards! Lol … looking forward to working with her as we introduce exosomes, lasers, and other equipment in the practice. Highly recommend her for all your rep needs. Thanks Kate !

TruSkin EZLight Broad Spectrum Light BSL Lasers For Sale

A Comprehensive Guide to Purchasing the Right BroadBand Light Device

As the aesthetic industry continues to evolve, BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy has emerged as a cutting-edge solution for various skin treatments. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we understand the importance of selecting the right BBL laser for your practice, and we're here to guide you through this crucial decision-making process.

BBL lasers, known for their versatility and effectiveness, have become a staple in the world of aesthetic treatments. These devices use broad-spectrum light to address a wide range of skin conditions, including photoaging, vascular lesions, and pigmented lesions, among others.

Brief Background on BBL Lasers and Overview of Their Effectiveness for Aesthetic Treatments

  • Broad-Spectrum Light: BBL lasers emit a range of wavelengths, allowing customizable treatments for different skin types and conditions.
  • Versatility: Ideal for treating acne, pigmentation, vascular lesions, and providing skin rejuvenation.
  • Non-Invasive: These treatments are popular due to their non-invasive nature, offering significant results with minimal downtime.

Summary of Key Considerations When Researching BBL Lasers to Purchase

  • Wavelength Range: Ensure the laser covers a broad spectrum to treat various conditions.
  • Cooling Mechanism: Look for systems with integrated cooling for enhanced patient comfort.
  • User Interface: User-friendly interfaces with preset parameters can streamline treatment processes.
  • Maintenance and Support: Consider the maintenance requirements and the availability of support and service.

Choosing the right BBL laser is critical to the success and growth of your aesthetic practice. To explore the best options and find a device that aligns with your specific needs, contact TruSkin Aesthetic Group. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with personalized recommendations, ensuring you invest in a BBL laser system that not only meets your clinical requirements but also contributes to the satisfaction of your clients. For expert guidance, reach out to us and take the first step towards enhancing your aesthetic offerings.

How BroadBand Light Technology Works

BBL technology is a sophisticated form of light therapy, using broad-spectrum light energy to target and treat various skin conditions. This technology stands out for its versatility and effectiveness, making it a popular choice in aesthetic practices.

Explanation of BSL Using Broad Spectrum Light Energy to Treat Various Skin Conditions

  • Broad Spectrum Light: BSL devices emit a range of light wavelengths, each targeting different skin issues.
  • Selective Absorption: The light energy is selectively absorbed by specific skin structures, depending on the condition being treated.
  • Therapeutic Effect: The absorbed energy heats up the target areas, initiating the body’s natural healing process and stimulating collagen production.

Description of Interchangeable Filters That Enable Versatility in Addressing Multiple Concerns

  • Customizable Treatments: BBL devices come with interchangeable filters, allowing practitioners to customize treatments based on specific skin concerns.
  • Targeted Approach: Each filter is designed to emit a specific range of wavelengths, targeting conditions like pigmentation, vascular lesions, or acne.

Overview of Common Treatment Areas and Indications Like Sun Damage, Rosacea, Acne

  • Sun Damage: BSL effectively reduces the appearance of sunspots and photoaging.
  • Rosacea: It helps in diminishing the redness and small blood vessels associated with rosacea.
  • Acne: BSL can also target and reduce acne, providing a clearer, healthier-looking skin.

BSL technology's ability to provide tailored treatments for a variety of skin conditions makes it a valuable tool in the aesthetic industry. Its non-invasive nature and proven effectiveness in addressing common concerns like sun damage, rosacea, and acne, have solidified its position as a preferred choice for skin rejuvenation and treatment. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we recognize the importance of leveraging advanced technologies like BSL to offer our clients the best possible outcomes.

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Tom Brady, CEO
TruSkin Aesthetic Group
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Dr. Steven Davis, 
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“TruSkin Aesthetic Group has provided my practice many outstanding Aesthetic Devices throughout the years, i.e. Lasers, RF Microneedling and most recently, Nitrogen Plasma skin resurfacing technology. All of these devices have helped me continue to provide best in class treatment options.”

Benefits of BBL

BBL technology stands out for its multifaceted approach to skin care, offering a range of benefits that cater to various skin concerns.

Improves Overall Skin Tone, Texture, and Appearance of Fine Lines/Wrinkles

  • Skin Rejuvenation: BBL effectively improves skin tone and texture, giving the skin a more youthful and radiant appearance.
  • Anti-Aging Effects: Regular BBL treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing skin firmness and elasticity.

Reduces Redness Caused by Rosacea, Dilated Capillaries, and Pigmentation Issues

  • Targeted Treatment: BBL is particularly effective in reducing the redness associated with rosacea and dilated capillaries.
  • Pigmentation Correction: It also addresses various pigmentation issues, including age spots and sun damage, leading to a more even skin tone.

Clears Acne Through Photodynamic Therapy to Destroy Bacteria

  • Acne Management: BBL uses photodynamic therapy to target and destroy acne-causing bacteria, reducing breakouts and improving skin clarity.
  • Preventive Care: Regular treatments can help in managing chronic acne conditions, preventing future outbreaks.

Provides Effective Hair Removal for Smooth Skin

  • Hair Removal: BBL is not just for skin treatment; it’s also effective in hair removal, providing a smooth and hair-free skin surface.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various body areas, BBL hair removal is a popular choice for those seeking a long-term solution to unwanted hair.

In summary, BBL technology offers a comprehensive approach to skin care, addressing a wide range of concerns from skin rejuvenation to targeted treatments for conditions like rosacea, pigmentation issues, and acne. Its ability to also provide effective hair removal adds to its versatility, making it a valuable addition to any aesthetic practice. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is committed to helping practitioners find the best BBL solutions to meet their clients' diverse needs, ensuring both satisfaction and outstanding results.

Limitations and Considerations

Not Suitable for Darker Fitzpatrick Skin Types V-VI Due to Risks

  • Skin Type Sensitivity: BBL treatments are generally less suitable for darker skin types (Fitzpatrick V-VI). The risk of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation is higher in these skin tones.
  • Customized Approach Needed: Clients with darker skin require a more cautious approach and may need alternative treatments.

Multiple Treatments Usually Required for Optimal Results

  • Treatment Course: Achieving the desired outcome with BBL often requires multiple sessions. The exact number depends on the condition being treated and the client's individual response.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Clients should be prepared for a series of treatments to see significant improvements.

Temporary Side Effects Like Redness, Swelling, Blistering Can Occur

  • Common Side Effects: Post-treatment, clients may experience redness, swelling, or in rare cases, blistering. These are generally temporary but should be discussed upfront.
  • Aftercare: Proper aftercare advice should be provided to minimize these side effects and promote healing.

Eyewear Protection Required During Treatment

  • Safety Precautions: During BBL treatments, both the practitioner and the client must wear protective eyewear to prevent eye damage from the intense light.
  • Non-Negotiable: This safety measure is critical and non-negotiable for all BBL treatments.

Understanding these limitations and considerations is key to providing safe and effective BBL treatments. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we prioritize client safety and education, ensuring that our practitioners are well-informed about the capabilities and precautions associated with BBL technology. This knowledge is essential for maintaining a high standard of care in your aesthetic practice.

Key Factors When Buying BBL Lasers

When investing in BBL (BroadBand Light) laser systems, several key factors must be considered to ensure that your purchase aligns with the needs and goals of your aesthetic practice. TruSkin Aesthetic Group offers comprehensive guidance on these critical considerations.


  • Purchase Price: The initial cost of BBL lasers varies, and it’s important to consider your budget and return on investment.
  • Maintenance Fees: Factor in ongoing maintenance costs, which can impact the overall financial commitment.
  • Cost Per Treatment: Analyze the cost-effectiveness of treatments in terms of consumables and time efficiency.


  • Manufacturer Training Programs: Look for BBL laser systems that come with robust training programs. Proper training ensures safety and efficacy in treatments.
  • Continued Education: Ongoing support and education from the manufacturer can be invaluable in staying updated with the latest techniques and best practices.

Treatment Options

  • Versatile Applicators: A device equipped with a range of applicators and spot sizes allows for greater versatility in treating different skin conditions and areas.
  • Customizable Settings: Adjustable settings are crucial for tailoring treatments to individual client needs, enhancing treatment outcomes.


  • Reputation: Choose a BBL laser from an established manufacturer with a strong reputation in the industry.
  • After-Sales Support: Ensure the manufacturer provides excellent customer service, technical support, and warranty options.

When purchasing a BBL laser, it’s crucial to evaluate the cost, training support, treatment options, and the manufacturer’s reputation. These factors play a significant role in the success and efficiency of your treatments, client satisfaction, and the overall growth of your aesthetic practice. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is committed to helping practitioners make informed decisions that align with their specific practice requirements and client needs.

Additional Considerations

While the primary factors like cost, training, treatment versatility, and manufacturer reputation are crucial in selecting a BBL laser, there are additional considerations to keep in mind. TruSkin Aesthetic Group highlights these often-overlooked aspects that can significantly impact the value and utility of your BBL laser investment.

Warranty and Service Contracts for Maintenance

  • Warranty Coverage: Ensure the BBL laser comes with a comprehensive warranty that covers major components and potential malfunctions.
  • Service Contracts: Look for service contracts that offer regular maintenance, which can help prolong the device's lifespan and ensure consistent performance.

Upgradeability as Technology Advances

  • Future-Proofing: Consider the upgradeability of the BBL laser system. As technology evolves, having a device that can be updated or upgraded will ensure your practice remains at the forefront of aesthetic treatments.
  • Software Updates: Inquire about software updates and how they are managed to keep the device current with the latest advancements.

Size/Portability Depending on Office Space

  • Space Considerations: Assess the size and portability of the BBL laser to ensure it fits comfortably within your office space without hindering operations.
  • Mobility: If your practice operates in multiple locations or requires mobility, consider a more portable model.

Marketing Support from Manufacturer

  • Promotional Materials: Some manufacturers provide marketing support, such as promotional materials and patient education resources, which can be valuable in attracting and educating clients.
  • Brand Association: Utilizing the manufacturer’s established brand reputation can enhance your marketing efforts and build trust with clients.

Financing Options Available

  • Financial Flexibility: Explore financing options that the manufacturer or distributors may offer. This can make the purchase more accessible and financially manageable for your practice.
  • Lease vs. Purchase: Consider leasing as an alternative to outright purchase, which can provide flexibility and reduce initial capital outlay.

Considering a BBL laser for your practice, it’s important to look beyond the basic specifications and evaluate aspects like warranty, upgradeability, size, marketing support, and financing options. These additional considerations play a critical role in ensuring that your investment is sound, sustainable, and beneficial in the long term. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is dedicated to guiding you through these considerations to make a well-informed decision that aligns with your practice’s needs and goals.

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Top BBL Laser Manufacturers

In the realm of aesthetic treatments, BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy stands as a prominent choice for skin rejuvenation and treatment. Selecting the right BBL laser involves choosing a reliable manufacturer. TruSkin Aesthetic Group provides an overview of the top BBL laser manufacturers, their offerings, and how they cater to different needs based on practice size, budget, and experience level.

TruSkin Aesthetic Group BSL Laser

  • Industry leading warranty: Our techs will fully service your new BSL laser for 2 years after purchase
  • Post Sale Support: This is not a buy it and they will come. We offer industry-leading post sale support for promoting your laser and generating profits.
  • Cost: Low to mid range. Leveraging our other technologies and economies of scale we can pass on cost savings to our customers.
  • Best For: Practices who do not have huge budgets, but want a quality piece of equipment to generate profits.


  • Reputation for Quality: Sciton is renowned for its high-quality BBL systems, especially the JOULE platform with its BBL module.
  • Key Specs: Offers advanced features like adjustable wavelengths and various handpieces for targeted treatments.
  • Cost Range: Generally at a higher price point, reflecting its premium technology and versatility.
  • Best For: Larger practices looking for a comprehensive, high-end system.


  • Innovation Leader: Lumenis is known for innovative BBL technology, with popular systems like M22.
  • Key Specs: Features include multiple filters and IPL technology for a range of treatments.
  • Cost Range: Mid to high-range, offering value for cutting-edge features.
  • Best For: Practices seeking a balance of innovation and value.


  • Broad Range of Options: Cynosure offers a variety of BBL solutions, catering to different needs.
  • Key Specs: Known for effective skin rejuvenation and hair removal capabilities.
  • Cost Range: Offers a wide range, suitable for different budget levels.
  • Best For: Practices of any size seeking customizable options.


  • Versatile and User-Friendly: Candela's BBL devices are appreciated for their user-friendly interface and versatility.
  • Key Specs: Efficient systems designed for both skin treatment and hair removal.
  • Cost Range: Mid-range, offering a good balance of cost and functionality.
  • Best For: Newer practices or those expanding their services.

When choosing a BBL laser, it's essential to consider the manufacturer's reputation, the specific features of their devices, and how these align with your practice's size, budget, and experience level. Manufacturers like Sciton, Lumenis, Cynosure, and Candela each offer unique benefits, making them leaders in the BBL market. TruSkin Aesthetic Group recommends evaluating your practice's specific needs to determine the best fit, ensuring that your investment not only enhances your service offerings but also aligns with your business goals.

Sciton BBL Lasers

Sciton, a leading name in the aesthetic technology industry, stands out for its innovative BBL (BroadBand Light) laser systems. TruSkin Aesthetic Group takes a closer look at Sciton BBL Lasers, highlighting their technology, versatility, and the support they offer, making them an excellent choice for practices venturing into BBL treatments.

Known for BBL Technology

  • Pioneering BBL Technology: Sciton is renowned for its advanced BBL technology, which has set new standards in the field of aesthetic treatments.
  • Flagship Models: The Fluence CV and Joule systems are particularly noteworthy, offering high-end capabilities in skin rejuvenation and treatment.

Customizable, Versatile, Fast Treatments for a Range of Indications

  • Wide Range of Treatments: Sciton BBL systems are designed to handle a variety of skin conditions, from photoaging and vascular lesions to acne treatment.
  • Customizable Settings: These lasers offer adjustable parameters, allowing practitioners to tailor treatments to specific client needs.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Sciton’s systems are known for their quick treatment times, maximizing patient throughput without compromising on results.

Provide Excellent Training and Support

  • Comprehensive Training: Sciton places a strong emphasis on education, providing thorough training for practitioners. This is particularly beneficial for new BBL users.
  • Ongoing Support: They offer exceptional after-sales support, ensuring that practitioners can confidently use their systems to their full potential.
  • Community and Resources: Sciton has a strong community of users, and they offer a wealth of resources, including clinical studies, treatment protocols, and marketing materials.

Sciton BBL Lasers are a top-tier choice for aesthetic practices, especially for those new to BBL technology. Their combination of advanced technology, versatility, and robust support makes them a wise investment. TruSkin Aesthetic Group recommends Sciton for practices looking for reliable, efficient, and versatile BBL solutions, backed by comprehensive training and support.

Finding the Right BBL Laser for Your Practice

Selecting the appropriate BBL (BroadBand Light) laser for your practice is a decision that requires careful consideration. TruSkin Aesthetic Group offers guidance to help you navigate this process effectively.

Assess Your Current Technology and Areas for Growth

  • Evaluate Existing Equipment: Consider what current technologies you have and how a BBL laser would complement or enhance your service offerings.
  • Identify Treatment Gaps: Look for areas in your practice where a BBL laser could fill treatment gaps or replace less effective technologies.

Determine Ideal Budget and Financing Options

  • Set a Realistic Budget: Determine how much you can invest in a BBL laser, considering both the short-term and long-term financial implications.
  • Explore Financing: Investigate financing options provided by manufacturers or third-party financial institutions to make the purchase more manageable.

Research Manufacturers and Schedule Demos

  • Compare Brands: Look into various manufacturers, comparing their products, technologies, and reputation in the market.
  • Hands-On Experience: Schedule demos with different vendors to get a hands-on experience of the lasers and gauge their performance and ease of use.

Prioritize Training/Support to Maximize ROI

  • Comprehensive Training: Ensure that the manufacturer provides thorough training for you and your staff, which is crucial for safe and effective use of the BBL laser.
  • Ongoing Support: Consider the level of customer service and technical support offered by the manufacturer. Good support can significantly enhance the return on your investment.

Allow Sufficient Time for Delivery and Practice with the Device

  • Plan for Delivery: Account for the lead time from purchase to delivery. This ensures that your practice can continue to operate smoothly during the transition.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Once the laser arrives, allocate time for you and your staff to become proficient with the new equipment before offering treatments to clients.

Finding the right BBL laser for your practice involves a thoughtful assessment of your current needs, budget, and future goals. Thorough research, hands-on demonstrations, and a focus on training and support are key steps in making a well-informed decision. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is dedicated to assisting you throughout this process, ensuring that your investment not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

For assistance in finding the right BBL laser that aligns with your practice’s needs and budget, TruSkin Aesthetic Group is here to help. Contact us at (888) 480-7327 for a personalized consultation. Our experts will provide insights into the best BBL solutions, taking into account your specific requirements and financial considerations. Investing in a BBL laser is not just about acquiring new equipment; it's about enhancing your practice's capabilities and offering your clients the best in aesthetic treatment.

Incorporating a BBL laser into your practice is a decision that promises not only to expand your service offerings but also to elevate the level of care you provide to your clients. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is committed to supporting you through this journey, ensuring that your investment is both rewarding and aligned with your professional goals.

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“TruSkin Aesthetic Group's support and service is among the best.

"I can honestly state that the folks at TruSkin have provided me and my staff the best training and follow up after the sale. As treatment protocols evolve, they are always available to stop back in to review and update advanced treatment options.”

Joe Danyo MD | Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Founder: Danyo Plastic Surgery, Greenville, DE

Why Trust TruSkin Aesthetic Group

  • Innovative Excellence. Pioneering cutting-edge aesthetic technology.
  • Reliability Guaranteed. Unwavering quality in every product.
  • Expertise at Your Service. Knowledgeable specialists for bespoke guidance.
  • Safety First Standard. Rigorous adherence to industry safety protocols.
  • Future-Forward Vision. Constant innovation for tomorrow's aesthetic trends.
  • Comprehensive Training. In-depth instruction for optimal equipment use.
  • Unmatched support. Ongoing assistance and after-sales care.
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FAQs about BBL Lasers

What Areas Can Be Treated with BBL?

  • Versatile Treatment Areas: BBL lasers can effectively treat various areas including the face, neck, chest, arms, back, and legs.
  • Targeted Skin Concerns: Ideal for addressing a range of skin issues like sun damage, age spots, and vascular lesions in these areas.

How Long Do Treatment Sessions Take?

  • Efficient Sessions: BBL treatments are known for their efficiency. Large areas can be treated quickly, typically within 10-30 minutes per session.
  • Time Efficiency: This makes BBL an attractive option for clients with busy schedules.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

  • Treatment Course: The typical treatment protocol involves 3-6 sessions, spaced about 4 weeks apart.
  • Individual Variation: The exact number of treatments varies based on the client's skin condition and desired outcomes.

What Is Downtime?

  • Minimal Downtime: Clients usually experience 1-3 days of redness and swelling after a BBL treatment.
  • Quick Recovery: Most clients can resume their normal activities the next day, making it a convenient option for those seeking minimal interruption to their routine.

Does BBL Treatment Hurt?

  • Discomfort Level: BBL treatments involve minor discomfort during the procedure.
  • Comfort Measures: Numbing and cold spray are often used to enhance client comfort during the treatment.

When Will I See Results?

  • Progressive Improvement: Clients typically notice a gradual improvement in their skin over several weeks following treatment.
  • Optimal Results: The best results are usually observed at 3-6 months after completing the treatment series.
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