Over 30 Years Experience In The Aesthetics Industry

EZ Gel Fillers and EZ PRF Blood Concentrate(Platelet-Rich-Fibrin) - TruSkin Aesthetic Group An Authorized Supplier

TruSkin Aesthetic Group is a proud partner of Cosmo France's revolutionary products Ez Gel and EZ PRF. 

Whether you already provide Ez Gel fillers or EzPRF blood concentrate to patients, or you are seeking an alternative solution to PRP, or you would like to introduce Ez Gel filler or EZ PRF to your practice as another revenue stream, we can help.

As an authorized provider we can ensure you have a steady supply of the product and provide you the resources and training needed. 


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TruSkin Aesthetic is such an amazing team to work with. They are very reliable & knowledgeable about their products. Kate was awesome to work with for my EZGel training. Not only is she very knowledgable, she very fun to work with!

Lisa Campbell
April 13, 2024

Truskin aesthetic group was amazing to work with! They came to my practice for a microneedling training, and answered all of my questions effortlessly! I liked them so much, I’m scheduling a PRF EZ gel training in the near future !

Leah Salazar
April 12, 2024

Kate Ibarguen was my rep for EZ Gel and she was absolutely amazing to work with. Flexible, comfortable, very knowledgable about the product and super accessible for support afterwards. I had never used cannula and she made me feel comfortable using it on my model. She was so fun that I really just wanted to hang and have a drink afterwards! Lol … looking forward to working with her as we introduce exosomes, lasers, and other equipment in the practice. Highly recommend her for all your rep needs. Thanks Kate !

What is EZ Gel Filler?

EZ Gel Fillers & EZ PRF Blood Concentrate treatments represent a cutting-edge advancement in the aesthetic and cosmetic industry, offering a natural, biocompatible alternative to traditional dermal fillers and PRP. Unlike synthetic fillers, EZ Gel is derived from the patient's own blood, specifically from plasma proteins and growth factors. This innovative approach ensures that the filler is not only safe and effective but also remarkably compatible with the human body, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse effects.

The process involves drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, from which plasma is separated and processed to create a gel-like substance. This substance is then injected back into the targeted areas, providing volume, lift, and rejuvenation. The presence of growth factors stimulates the body's natural healing and collagen production processes, offering long-lasting results that enhance the skin's texture and appearance.

TruSkin Aesthetic Group, as an authorized dealer, emphasizes the importance of choosing EZ Gel Fillers for their natural composition and enhanced safety profile. This filler solution is ideal for patients seeking a more organic approach to skin rejuvenation, without compromising on the quality of results.

How Does EZ Gel Filler Work?

The EZ Gel Filler is a revolutionary approach in cosmetic treatments, utilizing the body's natural healing mechanisms to provide volumizing effects and stimulate collagen production. Here's how we recommend process unfolds at TruSkin Aesthetic Group's clients practices:

Preparation Process

  1. Blood Draw: The procedure begins with a simple blood draw, similar to routine blood tests. This step is quick and causes minimal discomfort.

  2. PRP/PRF Separation: The collected blood is then processed in a centrifuge to separate platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). These components are rich in growth factors and plasma proteins, essential for the healing and regeneration of tissues.

  3. Mixing Plasma Components into EZ Gel: The PRP and PRF are then carefully mixed to create the EZ Gel. This gel is customized for each patient, ensuring the filler is perfectly matched to the individual’s biological makeup.

Mechanism of Action

  • Collagen Stimulation: The injection of EZ Gel into the skin acts as a catalyst for the body's natural collagen production. Collagen is the protein responsible for skin strength and elasticity. As collagen levels increase, the skin regains its youthful structure and volume.

  • Volumizing Effects: EZ Gel fills in wrinkles, lines, and sagging areas, providing immediate volume and lift. Over time, the presence of growth factors in the gel encourages continuous skin improvement, leading to longer-lasting results compared to traditional fillers.

TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes that the beauty of EZ Gel lies in its natural composition and dual-action mechanism. Not only does it offer immediate cosmetic enhancement, but it also promotes long-term skin health by harnessing the body's innate regenerative capabilities. This innovative approach ensures a more natural look and feel, with results that are both impressive and enduring.

Benefits of EZ Gel Filler

EZ Gel Fillers, a groundbreaking advancement in aesthetic medicine, offer a plethora of benefits, making them an attractive choice for individuals seeking natural and effective skin rejuvenation solutions. TruSkin Aesthetic Group highlights the key advantages for patients of opting for this innovative treatment:

Natural and Long-Lasting

  • Autologous Nature: EZ Gel is derived from the patient's own blood, significantly reducing the risk of allergic reactions and ensuring high biocompatibility. This autologous nature makes it a safer alternative to synthetic fillers.

  • Longer-Lasting Results: Compared to traditional fillers, the results from EZ Gel Fillers tend to last longer. This is due to the stimulation of the body’s own collagen production, providing a gradual and more sustained improvement in skin quality and volume.

Restorative and Rejuvenating

  • Collagen and Elastin Production: EZ Gel Fillers are not just about adding volume. They stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the two foundational proteins of skin health. This leads to a more youthful appearance, with restored volume and smoothed-out skin texture.

  • Restores Volume: Targeted injections replenish lost volume in areas like the cheeks, lips, and under-eye hollows, offering a refreshed and revitalized appearance.

Minimal Downtime

  • Recovery: The treatment involves minor swelling or redness at the injection sites, typically subsiding within 2-3 days. This minimal downtime means patients can return to their daily activities almost immediately, without the need for an extended recovery period.

Choosing EZ Gel Fillers means opting for a treatment that is not only effective in enhancing aesthetic appeal but also prioritizes safety, natural results, and overall skin health. TruSkin Aesthetic Group stands by the transformative benefits of EZ Gel, offering a solution that aligns with the desires of those seeking a more organic approach to beauty and rejuvenation.

EZ Gel Treatment Areas

EZ Gel Fillers, offered by TruSkin Aesthetic Group, have revolutionized the approach to non-surgical cosmetic enhancements by providing a versatile solution to various aesthetic concerns. The unique composition of EZ Gel, derived from the patient's own plasma, makes it exceptionally effective for treating a wide range of areas with minimal risk of complications. Below are the primary treatment areas where EZ Gel Fillers excel:

  • Under Eyes: The delicate area under the eyes often shows signs of aging or fatigue early on. EZ Gel Fillers can effectively reduce the appearance of dark circles and hollows, restoring a refreshed and youthful look.

  • Lips: For those seeking natural lip enhancement, EZ Gel offers a subtle volumization that enhances the shape and contour of the lips, without the risk of overfilling associated with synthetic fillers.

  • Wrinkles: Fine lines and wrinkles, whether they're around the mouth, forehead, or between the brows, can be softened significantly. EZ Gel stimulates collagen production, gradually smoothing the skin from within.

  • Scars: Acne scars and other types of facial scars can be diminished with EZ Gel treatments. The filler promotes tissue regeneration, leading to smoother skin and reduced visibility of scars.

  • Cheeks: Loss of volume in the cheeks, a common sign of aging, can be addressed by EZ Gel Fillers. They provide a lift and restore youthful contours to the face, creating a more balanced and vibrant appearance.

  • Jawline: For those looking to enhance the definition of their jawline, EZ Gel Fillers can offer a non-surgical solution. By adding volume and creating sharper contours, EZ Gel can achieve a more sculpted look.

The versatility of EZ Gel Fillers makes them an ideal choice for patients seeking natural, long-lasting results across various facial areas. TruSkin Aesthetic Group can help your practice specialize in tailored treatments, ensuring that each application of EZ Gel is perfectly suited to meet individual aesthetic goals, promising an enhanced, natural beauty with minimal downtime.

What to Expect: The EZ Gel Procedure

Undergoing an EZ Gel Filler treatment is a straightforward and minimally invasive procedure designed to rejuvenate and enhance your patient's natural beauty with little to no downtime. Here's what they can expect during the EZ Gel procedure:

  • Numbing: To ensure the patient's comfort, the treatment area will be numbed with a topical anesthetic. This step helps minimize any discomfort during the procedure.

  • Blood Draw: A small amount of blood will be drawn, similar to a routine blood test. This blood is then used to create the EZ Gel.

  • PRP/PRF Separation: The drawn blood is processed in a centrifuge to separate the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), which are key components in the EZ Gel formulation.

  • EZ Gel Preparation: The PRP/PRF is then mixed with a specific activator to form the EZ Gel, ready for injection. This gel is rich in growth factors and proteins from the patient's own body.

  • Injections: The prepared EZ Gel is carefully injected into the targeted areas. This process is meticulously performed to ensure even distribution and optimal results.

  • Appointment Duration: The entire procedure typically takes between 30 to 60 minutes, making it a convenient option even for those with busy schedules.

  • Downtime: One of the major advantages of EZ Gel treatments is the minimal downtime involved. Most patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure, although minor swelling or redness may be present for 2-3 days.

  • Results: While some improvements may be noticeable immediately, the full benefits of EZ Gel fillers develop gradually over the following weeks as the body's natural collagen production is stimulated, leading to longer-lasting and natural-looking enhancements.

At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, our experts are committed to ensuring that you can offer EZ Gel to your customer base and provide an experience that is comfortable, safe, and tailored to meet your individual clients' aesthetic goals. With EZ Gel Fillers, your practice can look forward to offering clients a natural, rejuvenated appearance with results that are both impressive and subtly beautiful.

Finding an Authorized EZ Gel or EZ PRF Provider

When considering EZ Gel Fillers or EZ PRF for your aesthetic practice, the importance of finding an authorized provider cannot be overstated. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is committed to ensuring that all aesthetic practices that purchase these products from us have the knowledge, training and expertise to ensure a profitable product for their practice, and a positive patient experience. Here's what you need to know:

Dangers of Unauthorized Sellers

  • Risk of Counterfeit Product: The market is fraught with counterfeit and fake products that can pose serious health risks. These unauthorized products lack the rigorous testing and safety standards of genuine EZ Gel Fillers.
  • Safety Hazards: Using non-genuine fillers can lead to complications, including infections, allergic reactions, and unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes. Always ensure you're receiving the real thing for your safety and peace of mind.

Importance of Proper Training

  • Complex Preparation Process: EZ Gel Fillers require a specialized preparation process that involves handling the patient's own blood. Only trained professionals can ensure you execute this process safely and effectively.
  • Ensures Real, Efficacious EZ Gel: A properly trained provider guarantees that you're receiving genuine EZ Gel, prepared and administered to meet the highest standards of quality and efficacy.

Get EZ PRF and EZ Gel Filler From an Authorized Provider

When it comes to enhancing your client's natural beauty with EZ Gel Fillers, the importance of selecting an authorized provider cannot be overstated. TruSkin Aesthetic Group, a leader in aesthetic treatments, is proud to be a trusted source for the supply of genuine EZ Gel product. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every aesthetic practice understands the treatment and can administer it with precision, care, and the highest standard of safety.

Why Choose TruSkin Aesthetic Group?

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team of professionals is highly trained and experienced in the latest aesthetic techniques, including the specialized process of EZ Gel Fillers.
  • Safety and Quality: We only use genuine EZ Gel products, sourced directly from COSMO France, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of your treatment.

Ready to Transform Your Practice With A Profitable Cosmetic Product?

Take the first step towards providing EZ Gel Fillers and EZ PRF at your practice. Contact TruSkin Aesthetic Group today at (888) 480-7327 for a personalized consultation. Our friendly team is here to answer all your questions and guide you through the process, ensuring a comfortable, seamless ordering and educational experience from start to finish.


What is EZ Gel Filler?

EZ Gel is a unique filler that combines Platelet-rich Fibrin with Albumin to create a viscous gel. Beyond filling, it triggers cell growth and gradually releases growth factors, resulting in natural, rejuvenating, and durable effects.

How Long Does EZ Gel Filler Last?

The bio-stimulating filler lasts approximately 3 months, with PRF's rejuvenating effects continuing for 6-12 months.

Is EZ Gel Filler Superior to Traditional Fillers?

Choosing between EZ Gel and traditional dermal fillers hinges on individual preferences and aesthetic objectives. While both options offer youthfulness, EZ Gel distinguishes itself with its natural appearance, lasting results, and comfortable injection process.

How much Can I Charge A Patient For EZ Gel Plasma Filler?

The pricing we see varies based on treated areas and the number of sessions, averaging $750 to $2,500 per treatment.

What are the Side Effects of EZ Gel Filler?

Bruising and swelling may occur post-treatment but typically diminish within 24-48 hours. Managing with ice and avoiding exertion helps. EZ Gel treatments are generally well-tolerated, often permitting immediate return to work.

How Soon Does EZ Gel Filler Work?

Results typically manifest within days and endure for months. Periodic treatments may be necessary for maintenance.

What are the Side Effects of EZ Gel Under the Eyes?

Under-eye treatment may cause swelling, bruising, and redness, typically subsiding within 1-2 weeks.

What are the Benefits of EZ Gel Filler?

By leveraging the body's plasma, EZ Gel activates skin regeneration, fostering collagen and elastin production for smoother, firmer, and healthier skin.

Is EZ Gel Filler All Natural?

EZ Gel is a 100% natural, regenerative, and volumizing filler containing serum albumin and growth factors sourced from your own blood.

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TruSkin Aesthetic Group
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