Over 30 Years Experience In The Aesthetics Industry

TruSkin Bare Diode Hair Removal Laser: 
Unrivaled Precision, Unmatched Results

A Masterpiece Of Aesthetic Technology

Introducing the TruSkin Bare Diode Hair Removal Laser, a masterpiece of aesthetic technology designed for discerning medspa owners who demand nothing but the best. This diode laser system is the epitome of innovation, delivering unparalleled hair removal results with unmatched precision and comfort.

The laser creates a beam of high intensity light that penetrates into the skin, targeting unwanted hair follicles, delivering a controlled amount of therapeutic heat, and resulting in the destruction of the targeted follicles.

Why Choose This Hair Removal Laser?

  • Best-in-class ROI for you business
  • Sleek, modern, and ergonomic design
  • FDA cleared for laser hair reduction
  • Faster and more comfortable than ever
  • Outstanding warranty and locally services
  • Unparalleled training program
  • Accompanying e-book on how to generate hair removal clients locally
*Pricing based on Tier One Medical Rate. Available to qualified customers. Price varies based on rate, term, and credit score. Subject to credit approval and credit limit. Advertised monthly payment amount is an estimate and may change with the addition of freight, taxes, and/or other charges. Call for an estimate on our special financing program.
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TruSkin Aesthetic is such an amazing team to work with. They are very reliable & knowledgeable about their products. Kate was awesome to work with for my EZGel training. Not only is she very knowledgable, she very fun to work with!

Lisa Campbell
April 13, 2024

Truskin aesthetic group was amazing to work with! They came to my practice for a microneedling training, and answered all of my questions effortlessly! I liked them so much, I’m scheduling a PRF EZ gel training in the near future !

Leah Salazar
April 12, 2024

Kate Ibarguen was my rep for EZ Gel and she was absolutely amazing to work with. Flexible, comfortable, very knowledgable about the product and super accessible for support afterwards. I had never used cannula and she made me feel comfortable using it on my model. She was so fun that I really just wanted to hang and have a drink afterwards! Lol … looking forward to working with her as we introduce exosomes, lasers, and other equipment in the practice. Highly recommend her for all your rep needs. Thanks Kate !

TruSkin's Commercial Hair Removal Diode Lasers For Sale - TruSkin Bare Diode Hair Removal Laser

The Best Commercial Diode Lasers for Effective, Safe, and Affordable Hair Removal

The landscape of hair removal has been revolutionized by the introduction of diode laser technology. Known for its precision and effectiveness, diode laser hair removal offers a permanent solution to unwanted hair, distinguishing itself from traditional methods.

Brief Overview of Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode lasers represent a significant advancement in hair removal technology. Unlike traditional methods, these lasers use a specific wavelength of light that is preferentially absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles. This process leads to the effective destruction of the hair follicles, thereby reducing hair growth over time.

Targeted Approach: Diode lasers specifically target hair follicles, leaving the surrounding skin untouched.
Precision: Their ability to precisely target hair makes them ideal for hair removal from any part of the body.

Benefits of Diode Lasers for Permanent Hair Reduction

Diode laser technology offers numerous benefits that make it a superior choice for hair removal:

Effectiveness: High success rate in reducing hair and unwanted hair permanently.
Speed: Treatments are quicker compared to other hair removal methods.
Safety: These lasers are safe for various skin types, with minimal risk of side effects.
Comfort: Advances in technology have made the process more comfortable than ever.

Ideal for Clinics/Spas Looking to Offer Hair Removal Services

For clinics and spas, integrating diode laser hair removal services can be a game-changer:

Client Satisfaction: Enhances client satisfaction with effective and long-lasting results.
Business Growth: Offers a competitive edge in the beauty and wellness market.
Diverse Clientele: Attracts a wider range of clients seeking advanced hair removal solutions.

For medspas and salons, investing in a commercial diode laser for hair removal is not just a trend but a strategic decision towards offering advanced and sought-after services. With the promise of safety, efficiency, and affordability, diode lasers are poised to redefine the hair removal experience for clients. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is committed to guiding businesses in selecting the best diode laser systems that align with their specific needs and client expectations.

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“TruSkin Aesthetic Group has provided my practice many outstanding Aesthetic Devices throughout the years, i.e. Lasers, RF Microneedling and most recently, Nitrogen Plasma skin resurfacing technology. All of these devices have helped me continue to provide best in class treatment options.”

How Diode Laser Hair Removal Works

Diode laser hair removal is a cutting-edge technology increasingly popular in the aesthetic industry. TruSkin Aesthetic Group offers an insightful look into how this innovative technique works, making it a preferred choice for permanent hair reduction.

Principles of Photothermolysis

The foundation of diode laser hair removal machine lies in the principles of photothermolysis. This process involves using light (photo) to heat (thermo) a specific area to achieve destruction (lysis) of targeted cells. In the case of hair removal, the target is the hair follicle.

  • Selective Targeting: The laser selectively targets the melanin in the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding skin.
  • Controlled Heating: The hair follicle is heated to a temperature that causes its destruction, preventing future hair growth.

Use of 808nm Wavelength Light to Target Melanin in Hair Follicles

Diode lasers typically utilize a wavelength of 808nm, a specific spectrum of light that is highly effective at targeting the melanin pigment in hair follicles.

  • Melanin Absorption: The 808nm wavelength is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle, making it an efficient tool for hair removal.
  • Depth of Penetration: This wavelength penetrates deep enough to reach the hair follicle, ensuring effective treatment.

Destruction of Follicle Prevents Regrowth

The effectiveness of diode laser hair removal lies in its ability to destroy the hair follicle, ensuring that the hair does not regrow.

  • Permanent Reduction: The destruction of the hair follicle leads to a permanent reduction in hair growth.
  • Multiple Sessions: Several treatment sessions are typically needed to achieve the desired result, as hair grows in different phases.

Effective on All Skin Types When Properly Calibrated

Advancements in diode laser technology have made it safe and effective for all skin types, provided the device is properly calibrated.

  • Customizable Settings: Modern diode lasers come with settings that can be adjusted according to skin type and hair color.
  • Safety and Efficacy: With proper calibration, these lasers offer a safe and highly effective solution for hair removal across different skin types.

In summary, diode laser hair removal, with its foundation in the principles of photothermolysis and the use of specific wavelengths, offers a safe, effective, and long-term solution for hair reduction. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is dedicated to providing the latest in diode laser machine technology, ensuring high standards of safety and efficacy for all clients.

Key Factors to Consider

Power Output

  • Effective Treatments: Higher power output can lead to more effective treatments.
  • Client Comfort: Balance between power and client comfort is essential.

Spot Size

  • Treatment Efficiency: Larger spot sizes allow for quicker treatments of larger areas.
  • Precision: Smaller spot sizes are ideal for treating areas requiring more precision.

Repetition Rate

  • Speed of Treatment: A higher repetition rate increases the speed of hair removal sessions.
  • Client Throughput: Faster treatments mean more clients can be accommodated.

Integrated Cooling

  • Client Comfort: Cooling systems reduce discomfort during the laser treatment.
  • Skin Protection: Helps in protecting the skin from heat-related issues.

Treatment Speed

  • Efficiency: Faster treatments can lead to higher client satisfaction and turnover.
  • Operating Costs: Consider how treatment speed affects operating costs and overall clinic efficiency.

Total Shots Per Applicator

  • Longevity: The number of shots per applicator indicates how often you'll need to replace it.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Higher shot count can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Applicator Replacement Cost

  • Ongoing Expenses: Factor in the cost of replacing applicators when considering the overall investment.
  • Budget Planning: Regular replacement costs should fit into your clinic's budget.

Training and Support

  • Effective Use: Ensure that comprehensive training is provided for optimal use of the equipment.
  • After-Sale Support: Good after-sale support is crucial for any technical issues or queries.

Power output, spot size, repetition rate, integrated cooling, treatment speed, total shots per applicator, applicator replacement cost, and training and support are critical factors to consider when purchasing a commercial diode laser. These elements not only determine the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the device but also impact the quality of service you provide to your clients. TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes the importance of a thorough evaluation of these factors to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals. Call us today about our: TruSkin Bare Diode Hair Removal Laser.

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“TruSkin Aesthetic Group's support and service is among the best.

"I can honestly state that the folks at TruSkin have provided me and my staff the best training and follow up after the sale. As treatment protocols evolve, they are always available to stop back in to review and update advanced treatment options.”

Joe Danyo MD | Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Founder: Danyo Plastic Surgery, Greenville, DE

Diode Laser Hair Removal Treatment Process

The diode laser hair removal treatment is a sophisticated process that combines technology with expertise. TruSkin Aesthetic Group outlines the typical steps involved in this procedure, ensuring both effectiveness and client comfort.


Consultation and Skin Analysis

  • Personalized Approach: Each client receives a consultation to assess their skin type and hair characteristics.
  • Safety First: This step is crucial for customizing treatment settings and ensuring the client's safety.

Shave Treatment Area

  • Preparation: The treatment area should be shaved prior to the laser session.
  • Optimal Results: Shaving helps in achieving more effective laser penetration to the hair follicles.

Application of Conductive Cooling Gel

  • Client Comfort: A cooling gel is applied to the treatment area to minimize discomfort during the laser procedure.
  • Skin Protection: This also helps protect the skin from the heat generated by the laser.

Laser Technician Calibrates Settings

  • Customization: The laser technician carefully calibrates the laser settings based on the client's skin type and hair characteristics.
  • Precision: Accurate calibration is key to maximizing treatment effectiveness while ensuring client safety.

Gliding Motion Over Treatment Area

  • Technique: The laser is moved in a gliding motion over the treatment area.
  • Uniform Coverage: This ensures even coverage and effective hair removal.

Repeat Passes Based on Hair Density

  • Tailored Treatment: Depending on the hair density, multiple passes may be required.
  • Thoroughness: This ensures that all hair follicles in the treatment area are effectively targeted.

Post-Treatment Care Instructions

  • Aftercare: Clients are given detailed post-treatment care instructions.
  • Skin Health: Proper aftercare is essential to minimize any side effects and maintain skin health.

The diode laser hair removal treatment process is comprehensive and tailored to individual needs. From the initial consultation and skin analysis to the post-treatment care, each step is crucial for a successful and comfortable experience for professional diode laser. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest standard of care and state-of-the-art diode laser technology for optimal hair removal results.

Number of Sessions Needed

Understanding the number of sessions needed for effective hair removal using commercial diode lasers is crucial for setting realistic expectations for clients. TruSkin Aesthetic Group explains what clients can anticipate in terms of treatment frequency and duration.

For the best results in diode laser hair removal, clients typically need between 5 to 10 sessions. These sessions are spread out over a period of 6 to 12 months. This schedule is designed to align with the hair growth cycle and ensure maximum efficacy.

  • Initial Sessions: The first few sessions are generally spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. This timing is crucial as it targets hair at its growth phase, which is vital for effective removal.
  • Subsequent Sessions: As treatment progresses, the intervals between sessions may be extended. This is due to the reduced hair growth rate as a result of previous sessions.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Individual Variation: Each person's hair growth pattern is unique. The exact number of sessions will vary depending on individual factors like hair density, color, and the area being treated.
  • Monitoring Progress: The effectiveness of the treatment should be monitored throughout the sessions. Adjustments may be made based on the response to treatment.
  • Final Phases: Towards the end of the treatment cycle, the sessions are primarily for touch-ups to ensure that all hair follicles are adequately treated.

In summary, while 5 to 10 sessions over 6 to 12 months is a general guideline, the exact number will depend on individual circumstances. TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes the importance of a personalized approach in diode laser hair removal to achieve the best possible results for each client.

Costs of Commercial Diode Laser Hair Removal

Navigating the financial aspects of commercial diode laser hair removal is crucial for clinics and spas considering this investment. TruSkin Aesthetic Group offers a comprehensive breakdown of the costs involved, helping businesses make informed decisions.

Breakdown of Upfront Costs

The initial expense for commercial diode laser hair removal equipment can be substantial. This includes either the purchase or lease of the machine.

  • Purchase vs. Lease: The decision to purchase or lease depends on the clinic's budget and long-term plans.
  • Equipment Cost: Prices vary based on the model and its features.

Ongoing Costs

Regular expenses include replacement of applicators and the purchase of conductive cooling gel.

  • Applicators: These need to be replaced after a certain number of uses, impacting long-term costs.
  • Cooling Gel: Gel is an ongoing consumable expense necessary for each treatment.

Factors Affecting Per-Treatment Pricing

The pricing for each laser hair removal session can vary based on several factors:

  • Area Treated: Larger areas like full legs cost more than smaller areas like underarms.
  • Time Required: Longer sessions will generally be more expensive.
  • Hair Density: Denser hair may require more sessions, affecting the overall cost.

Sample Per-Treatment Costs

  • Underarms: Typically range from $100 to $150 per session.
  • Bikini Area: Generally costs between $150 and $250 per session.
  • Full Legs: Can range from $300 to $500 per session, depending on the factors mentioned above.

Profit Potential and ROI

  • High Demand: Diode laser hair removal is in high demand, allowing for significant profit potential.
  • ROI: The return on investment can be very appealing, especially considering the longevity and efficiency of modern diode lasers.

While the initial and ongoing costs of commercial diode laser hair removal can be substantial, the high demand for these services presents a lucrative opportunity. Clinics and spas should carefully consider these costs against the potential for high returns and client satisfaction. TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes the importance of a well-planned financial strategy to maximize the benefits of investing in diode laser technology.

As we conclude our comprehensive overview of commercial diode lasers for hair removal, it's clear that these systems offer a multitude of benefits for businesses in the aesthetics industry. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is dedicated to helping businesses like yours navigate the selection of the right diode laser for your specific needs.

Emphasize Safety and Effectiveness for Permanent Hair Reduction

Safety and effectiveness are paramount in the world of aesthetic treatments. Commercial diode lasers adhere to these principles, offering a safe approach to hair removal. Advanced cooling systems and precise calibration options ensure a comfortable experience for clients, minimizing risks while maximizing results.

For businesses looking to integrate or upgrade their hair removal services, selecting the right diode laser hair removal system is a crucial decision. TruSkin Aesthetic Group offers expert advice and support to help you make an informed choice that aligns with your business needs and budget.

Contact TruSkin Aesthetic Group: For personalized guidance on selecting the ideal diode laser for your business, reach out to us at (888) 480-7327. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in finding a solution that meets your specific requirements, ensuring that you invest in technology that not only enhances your service offerings but also contributes to your business growth.

TruSkin Aesthetic Group Headquarters in Pennsylvania

Why Trust TruSkin Aesthetic Group

  • Innovative Excellence. Pioneering cutting-edge aesthetic technology.
  • Reliability Guaranteed. Unwavering quality in every product.
  • Expertise at Your Service. Knowledgeable specialists for bespoke guidance.
  • Safety First Standard. Rigorous adherence to industry safety protocols.
  • Future-Forward Vision. Constant innovation for tomorrow's aesthetic trends.
  • Comprehensive Training. In-depth instruction for optimal equipment use.
  • Unmatched support. Ongoing assistance and after-sales care.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a diode laser for hair removal?

A diode laser is a type of laser device specifically designed for hair removal. It uses a concentrated beam of light to target and destroy the hair follicles, preventing future hair growth.

How does a diode laser work for hair removal?

Diode lasers emit a specific wavelength of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles. This light energy is converted into heat, which damages the follicles and inhibits their ability to produce new hair.

What are the advantages of using a diode laser for hair removal?

Diode lasers offer several advantages, including precise targeting of hair follicles, faster treatment times, reduced discomfort, and long-lasting results. They are also suitable for a wide range of skin tones and hair types.

How do diode lasers compare to traditional hair removal methods?

Unlike traditional methods like waxing or shaving, diode lasers provide a more permanent solution to hair removal. They can effectively target and treat larger areas of the body, resulting in smoother and hair-free skin for longer periods of time.

What factors should I consider when purchasing a diode laser for hair removal?

When buying a diode laser, it is important to consider factors such as the power output, spot size, cooling mechanism, safety features, warranty, and reputation of the manufacturer. Consulting with a professional or reading customer reviews can also be helpful.

Where can I buy reliable diode laser devices for hair removal?

Reliable diode laser devices can be purchased from reputable suppliers, manufacturers, or authorized distributors. It is advisable to do thorough research, compare prices, and ensure that the seller provides proper warranty and support.

Can diode lasers be used in spas and salons?

Yes, diode lasers are commonly used in spas and salons for professional hair removal treatments. They are highly effective and efficient, providing clients with long-lasting results and a satisfactory experience.

Is the demand for diode lasers increasing in spas and salons?

Yes, the demand for diode lasers in spas and salons is on the rise. This is because diode lasers offer a more convenient, cost-effective, and precise solution for hair removal, resulting in high customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Are diode lasers safe for use on all skin types?

Diode lasers are generally safe for use on a wide range of skin types. However, it is important to consult with a professional or undergo a skin assessment before undergoing treatment to ensure that the laser settings are suitable for your specific skin type and condition.

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