Over 30 Years Experience In The Aesthetics Industry

PDO Threads by NovaThreads - TruSkin Aesthetic Group An Authorized Supplier

A new profit generating activity for your practice

Looking for an authorized provider of PDO threads near you? 

TruSkin Aesthetic Group is proud to announce the continuation of our partnership with Cosmo France. 

We are in our 6th year as one of the largest local suppliers of PDO threads to the aesthetic industry.

Call us today, and we can provide you information, training, and pricing on PDO Threads for your medspa or aesthetic practice.

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Discover the Innovative PDO Thread Lift Treatment by NovaThreads

The quest for youthful, rejuvenated skin has led to the development of numerous cosmetic treatments over the years, but few have garnered as much interest and acclaim as PDO thread lifts. Among the innovators in this field, NovaThreads stands out with its cutting-edge approach to non-surgical facelifts. This revolutionary technique utilizes Polydioxanone (PDO) threads, a biocompatible material used safely in medical suturing for decades, now ingeniously applied to aesthetic enhancement.

PDO thread lifts by NovaThreads offer a minimally invasive solution for lifting and tightening sagging skin without the need for traditional surgery. The threads are delicately inserted into the subdermal layer of the skin, providing an immediate lifting effect while also stimulating natural collagen production over time. This dual-action mechanism not only elevates the contours of the face but also enhances skin texture and firmness.

Key benefits of NovaThreads' PDO thread lifts include:

  • Immediate and Natural-Looking Results: Lifts and contours sagging skin instantly with results that improve over time.
  • Minimal Downtime: Patients can return to their daily activities shortly after the procedure.
  • Long-Lasting Effects: The collagen stimulation process ensures that skin continues to look firmer and more youthful for months to come.
  • Safety and Biocompatibility: Made from a material that is safely absorbed by the body over time.

With NovaThreads, TruSkin Aesthetic Group offers a cutting-edge, non-surgical option for those practices seeking a solution to reverse the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance for its customers. This innovative treatment aligns with our commitment to providing safe, effective, and state-of-the-art aesthetic solutions to our clients.

How PDO Thread Lifts Work

Mechanism and Procedure

PDO thread lifts, especially those by NovaThreads, utilize biostimulatory threads made from Polydioxanone, a material known for its safety and compatibility with the body. These threads are designed to be fully absorbed by the body over time, initiating a natural healing process that stimulates collagen production, an essential protein for maintaining youthful and firm skin.

The procedure for inserting NovaThreads is minimally invasive and can be broken down into a few key steps:

  • Consultation: An initial meeting with a specialist at your clinic to discuss goals and assess suitability for the procedure.
  • Preparation: The target area is cleaned, and a local anesthetic may be applied to ensure comfort.
  • Insertion: Using a fine needle, PDO threads are inserted into the subdermal layer of the skin in precise locations to achieve the desired lift and contour.
  • Adjustment: Once in place, the threads are gently pulled to tighten the skin. They are then secured, and the needle is removed.
  • Completion: The procedure typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area treated, with immediate results visible.

Areas Treated and Effects

NovaThreads PDO thread lifts can be applied to various areas of the face and body, including the cheeks, jawline, neck, eyebrows, and even the abdomen for skin tightening and contour enhancement. The effects of the treatment are multifaceted:

  • Lifting: Immediate improvement in the appearance of sagging skin.
  • Volumizing: Restores lost volume in areas like the cheeks and lips.
  • Rejuvenating: Over time, the stimulated collagen production rejuvenates the skin, improving texture, firmness, and overall skin quality.

TruSkin Aesthetic Group proudly offers NovaThreads PDO thread lifts to aesthetic practices as a versatile and effective option for your clients seeking a non-surgical solution to address signs of aging and enhance natural beauty.

Benefits of NovaThreads PDO Thread Lifts

Natural-Looking Results

NovaThreads PDO thread lifts, offered by TruSkin Aesthetic Group, stand out for delivering subtle, natural-looking results that enhance your client's inherent beauty without the telltale signs of cosmetic procedures. Unlike more invasive surgeries, these thread lifts gently lift and tighten the skin, contouring the face and body in a way that looks completely natural. This technique ensures that expressions remain lively and authentic, reflecting a version of your client that feels rejuvenated and refreshed. The precision of PDO threads allows for targeted improvements, ensuring that the outcomes align perfectly with your client's aesthetic goals, providing a refreshed appearance that still looks like your client.

Non-Surgical with Little Downtime

One of the most appealing aspects of NovaThreads PDO thread lifts is their minimally invasive nature. This non-surgical option sidesteps the need for incisions or general anesthesia, significantly reducing risks and recovery time. Most clients experience minimal discomfort during and after the procedure, with little to no downtime required. Your client can typically return to their daily activities immediately, making it an ideal choice for those seeking cosmetic improvements without the lengthy recovery periods associated with traditional surgery. This benefit is particularly valued by clients who wish to maintain their busy lifestyles while still investing in their appearance.

Long-Lasting Effects

While the immediate lifting effect of NovaThreads is a significant draw, the long-lasting benefits extend well beyond the initial improvement. The threads not only provide an instant lift but also stimulate collagen production over time, which can further improve skin texture, elasticity, and volume. This dual-action approach means that the skin continues to rejuvenate from within, extending the duration of the youthful appearance. Most clients enjoy the lifting and volumizing effects for several years, making it a cost-effective and durable option for those looking to combat the signs of aging without constant treatments.

What to Expect: Before, During, and After Treatment

Overview of Pre-Treatment Steps

Before undergoing a PDO thread lift with NovaThreads at your facility, patients should receive a comprehensive consultation to discuss their aesthetic goals and evaluate their suitability for the procedure. Pre-treatment steps include:

  • Consultation: A detailed discussion about the client's desired outcomes, skin condition, and overall health to ensure PDO threads are the right choice for them.
  • Preparation Guidelines: Advice on avoiding certain medications and supplements that may increase bruising or bleeding, and recommendations for pre-treatment skin care to optimize results.

Explanation of During Treatment Experience

The treatment process with NovaThreads is minimally invasive and typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the areas being treated. Here's what happens during the procedure:

  • Local Anesthesia: Application of local anesthetic to the treatment area to ensure comfort.
  • Thread Insertion: A specially designed thin needle is used to insert the PDO threads beneath the skin's surface in strategic areas to achieve the desired lift and contouring.
  • Immediate Results: Patients often notice an instant lift in the treated areas, with minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Discussion of Post-Treatment Effects and Recovery

After a PDO thread lift, patients can return to most daily activities almost immediately, with some minor considerations. Post-treatment recovery typically involves:

  • Minimal Downtime: Most patients experience mild swelling, bruising, or soreness for a few days, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Aftercare Instructions: Avoidance of strenuous exercise, dental procedures, and certain facial movements for a short period to ensure optimal thread integration and healing.
  • Long-Term Care: Recommendations for skin care and follow-up appointments to monitor progress and discuss potential touch-ups if necessary.

Choosing NovaThreads ensures a safe, effective, and minimally invasive option for achieving natural-looking rejuvenation with long-lasting effects.

PDO Thread Lifts vs. Surgical Facelifts

When considering anti-aging treatments, the choice between PDO thread lifts and surgical facelifts is a common dilemma. Each option offers its benefits and limitations. TruSkin Aesthetic Group breaks down the key factors to help your client make an informed decision.


  • PDO Thread Lifts: Minimally invasive, utilizing fine needles to insert threads under the skin. No cuts or stitches required.
  • Surgical Facelifts: Involves incisions, repositioning of facial tissues, and removal of excess skin, making it significantly more invasive.


  • PDO Thread Lifts: Minimal to no downtime, with most patients resuming normal activities within a day or two.
  • Surgical Facelifts: Requires a recovery period of several weeks, with potential restrictions on activities to ensure proper healing.


  • PDO Thread Lifts: Generally more affordable due to the non-surgical nature of the procedure and the absence of hospital fees.
  • Surgical Facelifts: Typically more costly, reflecting the complexity of the surgery, anesthesia, and the required aftercare.

Longevity of Results

  • PDO Thread Lifts: Results can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on the individual's skin condition and lifestyle factors.
  • Surgical Facelifts: Offers more permanent results, with effects lasting up to 10 years or more, albeit with natural aging continuing to affect the skin.

Suitability for Different Candidates

  • PDO Thread Lifts: Ideal for individuals seeking to address mild to moderate signs of aging without the risks and downtime of surgery. Suitable for younger patients or those with slight sagging.
  • Surgical Facelifts: Recommended for individuals with more significant signs of aging, requiring more dramatic correction that only surgery can achieve.

Choosing between a PDO thread lift and a surgical facelift depends on your client's aesthetic goals, health status, and willingness to undergo surgery. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we can help you position an alternative to surgery through PDO threads.


Frequently asked questions about PDO Threads by NovaThreads provide valuable insights for those considering this innovative treatment. TruSkin Aesthetic Group addresses your most pressing queries.

What areas can be treated?

PDO threads are versatile and can be used on the face, neck, and body. Common areas include the cheeks, jawline, eyebrows, neck, and abdomen.

How long do results last?

Results can last 12 to 18 months, depending on the individual's skin condition, lifestyle, and the type of threads used.

How long is recovery?

Recovery is minimal. Most patients return to normal activities within a few days, although minor swelling and bruising may occur.

How much can I charge my customers for a PDO thread lift?

Costs vary based on the treatment area and number of threads used, generally practices can charge anywhere ranging from $1,500 to $4,500.

How can I generate customers for PDO thread lifts?

Generally people will look for certified providers. Creating social media posts, and creating blog posts on your website about the benefits of PDO threads or alternatives to face lift surgery, will yield new customers.

Is it painful?

Discomfort is minimal. Local anesthesia is used to ensure a comfortable experience during the procedure.

Is there an age limit?

There's no strict age limit, but patients typically range from 30 to 65 years old, seeking preventative care or more significant rejuvenation.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are generally mild and may include swelling, bruising, and soreness at the insertion sites. These typically resolve within a few days.


In summary, PDO Threads by NovaThreads represents a cutting-edge, minimally invasive solution for those seeking to rejuvenate and lift sagging skin without the need for traditional surgery. As an Authorized Provider, TruSkin Aesthetic Group, can help you understand the key benefits of this innovative procedure, including natural-looking results, minimal downtime, long-lasting effects, and its non-surgical nature. These advantages make PDO thread lifts an attractive option for individuals looking to enhance their appearance with less risk and recovery time compared to surgical alternatives.

  • Natural-Looking Results: Achieve subtle and natural enhancements.
  • Minimal Downtime: Return to your daily activities swiftly.
  • Long-Lasting Effects: Enjoy the lifting and rejuvenating effects for up to 18 months.
  • Non-Surgical: A minimally invasive procedure with significant aesthetic benefits.

We invite you to explore the transformative potential of PDO thread lifts for your aesthetic practice. Whether you are looking for a trusted supplier, training, or a new way to generate extra profit for your aesthetic practice, our expert team at TruSkin Aesthetic Group is here to guide you through the process.

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West Chester, PA 19382

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