Over 30 Years Experience In The Aesthetics Industry

TruSkin Tattoo Removal Laser: Erase the Past, Embrace the Future

A New Level Of Precision Is Coming

Presenting the TruSkin Tattoo Removal Laser, a groundbreaking solution in the realm of aesthetic treatments. This state-of-the-art laser system is expertly designed to offer a new level of precision and effectiveness in tattoo removal, making it an indispensable tool for modern clinics and medspas.

Key Features Of Our Tattoo Removal Laser

Advanced Laser Technology: Utilizes high-intensity laser beams to break down tattoo ink into tiny particles, which are naturally eliminated by the body. This technology ensures efficient removal of tattoos with minimal discomfort.

Versatile Ink Targeting: Capable of targeting a wide range of ink colors and depths, the TruSkin Tattoo Removal Laser is effective on diverse tattoo types, from professional to amateur, ensuring comprehensive treatment options.

Precision and Safety: Engineered for pinpoint accuracy, it significantly reduces the risk of skin damage surrounding the tattoo. Its safety features make it a reliable choice for both practitioners and clients.

Minimal Discomfort: Designed to deliver treatment with the least possible discomfort, this laser system is equipped with a cooling mechanism that soothes the skin during the procedure.

Rapid Treatment Sessions: Offers quick treatment times, allowing for more efficient client throughput without compromising on results. This efficiency makes it a cost-effective option for both the provider and the client.

Adjustable Settings: Features customizable settings to suit different skin types and tattoo characteristics, ensuring optimal results for every individual client.

Sleek and User-Friendly Design: The modern, ergonomic design of the TruSkin Tattoo Removal Laser makes it an attractive addition to any professional setting, while its user-friendly interface ensures ease of use.

Durable and Reliable: Built to last with high-quality components, this laser system promises longevity and consistent performance, making it a wise investment for any aesthetic practice.

Tattoo Removal Lasers For Sale. TruSkin Tattoo Removal Laser

Tattoo Removal Lasers For Sale: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses & Clinics

The demand for tattoo removal services is on the rise, driven by an increasing number of individuals experiencing tattoo regret. As tattoos have grown in popularity, so has the desire to remove them, for various personal or professional reasons. This trend presents a significant opportunity for businesses and clinics to expand their services and tap into a growing market.

Tattoo Regret Statistics and Demand for Removal

  • Growing Trend: A considerable percentage of people who get tattoos eventually seek removal options.
  • Diverse Reasons: From career requirements to changing personal tastes, the reasons for tattoo regret are varied.
  • High Demand: This regret has led to a surge in demand for effective tattoo removal services.

Businesses/Clinics Offering Tattoo Removal

  • Skin Clinics and Dermatology Centers: These are the traditional providers of tattoo removal services.
  • Spas and Beauty Salons: An increasing number of spas are incorporating tattoo removal into their service offerings.
  • Specialized Tattoo Removal Clinics: These clinics focus exclusively on tattoo removal procedure, using the latest laser technologies.

Benefits of Adding Tattoo Removal Services

  • Revenue Generation: Adding tattoo removal services can significantly increase a business's revenue stream.
  • Client Base Expansion: It attracts a new demographic of clients who might not typically visit a skin clinic or spa.
  • Competitive Edge: Offering this service can set a business apart in a competitive market.

For businesses considering expanding their services, investing in tattoo removal lasers represents a strategic decision. TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes the importance of understanding the market demand and the benefits this service can offer in terms of revenue and client satisfaction. With the right equipment and expertise, adding tattoo removal services can be a lucrative and rewarding venture.

Types of Tattoo Removal Lasers

Tattoo removal technology has significantly advanced, offering various laser options to suit different needs. TruSkin Aesthetic Group presents an overview of the types of tattoo removal lasers available, helping businesses and clinics make informed decisions.

Q-Switched Lasers

Nd:YAG Laser

  • Target Colors: Highly effective on black and dark blue pigments.
  • Versatility: One of the most versatile tattoo removal lasers, suitable for a variety of skin types.

Ruby Laser

  • Specialization: Primarily treats black and dark-colored tattoos.
  • Limitations: Less effective on lighter colors and for clients with darker skin tones.

Alexandrite Laser

  • Color Effectiveness: Particularly effective on greens and blues.
  • Skin Suitability: Best suited for lighter skin types.

Picosecond Lasers


  • Color Range: Treats a wide range of tattoo colors effectively.
  • Technology: Utilizes ultra-short pulse durations for efficient ink breakdown.


  • Fast Removal: Known for its speed in removing blues and blacks.
  • Skin Safety: Reduced risk of skin damage due to shorter pulse duration.


  • Diverse Colors: Effective on difficult colors like reds, purples, and oranges.
  • Precision: Targets ink particles precisely without affecting surrounding skin.

Picosecond lasers are the newer generation of tattoo removal technologies, offering faster and more effective treatments for a broader range of ink colors.

Fractional Lasers

  • Ideal for Faded Tattoos: Best suited for light or partially faded tattoos.
  • Pinpoint Delivery: Delivers laser energy in tiny fractions to the skin, ensuring precision.
  • Reduced Tissue Damage: Causes significantly less damage to surrounding tissues compared to traditional lasers.

Fractional lasers represent a more refined approach to tattoo removal, particularly effective for delicate skin areas and less intensive removals. Each type of laser offers unique benefits and is suited for different tattoo types and skin conditions. When choosing a laser for your business, consider the diversity of your client base and the range of tattoo types you will encounter. TruSkin Aesthetic Group recommends thorough research and consultation with experts to select the most appropriate laser technology for your clinic's needs. This careful selection ensures effective, safe, and client-friendly tattoo removal services.

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“TruSkin Aesthetic Group has provided my practice many outstanding Aesthetic Devices throughout the years, i.e. Lasers, RF Microneedling and most recently, Nitrogen Plasma skin resurfacing technology. All of these devices have helped me continue to provide best in class treatment options.”

Top Laser Brands for Tattoo Removal

Choosing the right brand for tattoo removal lasers is crucial for businesses and clinics. TruSkin Aesthetic Group highlights some of the top brands in the industry, known for their efficacy and reliability.


  • Diverse Range: Offers Ruby, Nd:YAG, and Alex TriVantage lasers.
  • Variety of Tattoo Colors: Capable of treating a wide spectrum of tattoo pigments effectively.
  • Comfort: Features a unique flat beam profile which enhances patient comfort during treatments.

Astanza lasers are renowned for their versatility and are a popular choice for comprehensive tattoo removal services.


  • Q-Plus EVO Series: Known for its high-performance Q-switched technology.
  • High Intensity: Provides high-intensity laser beams for effective ink removal.
  • Multicolored Tattoos: Excellently equipped to handle complex, multicolored tattoos.

Quanta's technology is geared towards efficient and thorough removal of diverse tattoo inks.


  • Enlighten Series: Combines Nd:YAG and Alexandrite wavelengths.
  • Fast Treatment: Designed for speedy treatment suitable for all skin types.
  • Comfort Technology: Incorporates DCD cooling for a more comfortable treatment experience.

Cutera's Enlighten series is praised for its speed and patient comfort, making it a preferred choice in many clinics.


  • PicoSure: Utilizes potent picosecond technology.
  • Fewer Treatments: Designed to remove tattoos in fewer sessions.
  • Difficult Pigments: Especially effective on resistant blue and green pigments.

Cynosure's PicoSure is a leader in fast and effective tattoo removal, particularly for challenging ink colors.

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Costs of Tattoo Removal Lasers

Understanding the financial aspects of investing in tattoo removal lasers is essential for any business.

  • Machine Cost: Prices range from $30,000 to $150,000, varying based on brand and specifications.
  • Payback Period: The average payback period is approximately 2 years, contingent on patient volume.
  • Procedure Cost for Patients: Each session can cost around $200 to $500, depending on the complexity and size of the tattoo.
  • Number of Sessions: Typically, 6-12 sessions are needed for complete removal.
  • Additional Costs: Include marketing, staffing, supplies, and maintenance of the equipment.

Investing in a tattoo removal laser requires careful financial planning, considering both the initial cost and ongoing operational expenses. However, with the rising demand for tattoo removal services, it can be a profitable addition to a clinic or spa’s service offerings.

Regulations & Training Requirements

When venturing into the tattoo removal business, understanding and adhering to regulations and training requirements is vital. TruSkin Aesthetic Group provides a comprehensive overview of these essential aspects.


  • State Variations: Regulations regarding tattoo removal lasers vary significantly by state in the U.S.
  • Medical Professional Requirement: In some states, you must be a physician or a medical professional to operate these lasers.
  • Trained Laser Technicians: Other states permit trained laser technicians to perform the procedures.
  • Licensing Requirements: There are specific requirements for training hours, exams, and licensing that must be fulfilled.

Understanding and complying with these regulations is crucial for legally and safely operating a tattoo removal business.

Training Options

  • Manufacturer Training: Many manufacturers offer training upon purchase of their laser removal machines.
  • Online Courses: Provide fundamental knowledge about laser technology and safety.
  • Hands-on Workshops: Essential for gaining practical experience with the equipment.
  • Apprenticeship: Working under an experienced laser technician can be highly beneficial.
  • Medical Aesthetics Programs: Offered at many cosmetology schools, providing comprehensive training.
  • Shadowing: It's recommended to shadow an existing tattoo removal business to gain real-world insights.

Proper training is critical for the safe and effective operation of tattoo removal lasers.

Marketing Your Tattoo Removal Services

Effectively marketing your tattoo removal services is key to attracting and retaining clients.

  • Website Presence: List your laser capabilities and showcase before/after photos of your work.
  • Social Media Engagement: Highlight your expertise and results on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
  • SEO Strategy: Utilize search engine optimization with relevant keywords (e.g., “[Your City] + Tattoo Removal”).
  • Online Advertising: Target local customers seeking tattoo removal through online ads.
  • In-Clinic Promotion: Use brochures and posters to inform clients about your tattoo removal services.
  • Introductory Offers: Attract new patients with discounted first sessions or package pricing.
  • Networking with Tattoo Shops: Build relationships with local tattoo artists for referrals, especially for cover-up clients.

By implementing a strategic marketing plan, you can increase the visibility of your tattoo removal services and grow your client base.

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Founder: Danyo Plastic Surgery, Greenville, DE

Why Trust TruSkin Aesthetic Group

  • Innovative Excellence. Pioneering cutting-edge aesthetic technology.
  • Reliability Guaranteed. Unwavering quality in every product.
  • Expertise at Your Service. Knowledgeable specialists for bespoke guidance.
  • Safety First Standard. Rigorous adherence to industry safety protocols.
  • Future-Forward Vision. Constant innovation for tomorrow's aesthetic trends.
  • Comprehensive Training. In-depth instruction for optimal equipment use.
  • Unmatched support. Ongoing assistance and after-sales care.
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Laser tattoo removal procedure is a process that raises many questions for those considering it. TruSkin Aesthetic Group addresses some of the most common queries to provide clarity and understanding.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

  • Laser Pulses: The laser emits short pulses that target and break up the tattoo pigment particles.
  • Body's Response: The shattered ink fragments are then eliminated by the body's immune system.
  • Treatment Course: Multiple laser treatments are typically required to fully clear the tattoo.

How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?

  • Factors Influencing Cost: The cost depends on the tattoo's size, complexity, and the number of treatments needed.
  • Average Pricing: Generally, prices range from $200 to $500 per session. Usually, 6-12 sessions are needed.
  • Discounts and Packages: The first session is often offered at a discounted rate, with package deals available to reduce the cost per session.

Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?

  • Sensation: The procedure may cause some discomfort, often likened to the snapping of a rubber band against the skin.
  • Anesthetics: Topical anesthetics are used to numb the area and enhance comfort.
  • Individual Variation: Pain threshold and sensation can vary significantly from person to person.

How Long Does it Take to Remove a Tattoo with Laser?

  • Duration: Complete removal generally requires multiple treatments over several weeks or months.
  • Session Count: Typically, 6-12 sessions are needed, depending on various factors like the tattoo's size, location, age, and colors.
  • Spacing Between Sessions: Sessions are spaced 4-6 weeks apart to allow for proper fading and healing.

What Happens After Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment?

  • Post-Treatment: The treated area will be red and swollen for a few days following each session.
  • Aftercare: It's important to follow aftercare instructions, which may include icing, applying ointments, and bandaging.
  • Healing and Fading: The tattoo will gradually fade over the course of the treatments. It is crucial to allow the area to heal fully before exposing it to the sun or undergoing the next session.

Understanding these aspects of laser tattoo removal can help potential clients and businesses make informed decisions about this service. It's a commitment not just in terms of cost, but also time and aftercare for effective and safe removal.

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West Chester, PA 19382

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