Over 30 Years Experience In The Aesthetics Industry

Used Fractional CO2 Laser

Used Fractional CO2 Laser Services for Lasting Radiance

In the realm of medical aesthetics, the Fractional CO2 Laser stands out as a cornerstone technology, revered for its unparalleled ability to address a wide range of skin concerns. From reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to improving skin texture and treating acne scars, this laser technology offers comprehensive solutions for skin rejuvenation. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is dedicated to providing insights into not just the clinical benefits of these treatments but also the practical aspects of obtaining the technology itself, particularly the advantages of opting for used models.

Purchasing a used Fractional CO2 Laser presents a viable option for many clinics and practitioners looking to expand their service offerings without the hefty price tag associated with new devices. The benefits are manifold:

  • Cost Savings: The most compelling advantage is the significant reduction in investment required. Quality used lasers can be found at a fraction of the cost of new models, making this technology accessible to a broader range of providers.
  • Available Inventory: Often, used equipment comes from reputable sources looking to upgrade their technology, ensuring that buyers have access to high-quality devices.

This guide aims to empower potential buyers with the knowledge to make informed decisions when considering the acquisition of a used Fractional CO2 Laser machine. By understanding the benefits, potential savings, and availability of these devices, TruSkin Aesthetic Group hopes to assist you in navigating the pre-owned market confidently and effectively.

How Fractional CO2 Lasers Work

Fractional CO2 lasers represent a transformative advancement in the realm of cosmetic treatments, offering a sophisticated approach to skin rejuvenation. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we harness this technology to provide our clients with safe, effective treatments tailored to their unique skin concerns. Understanding how these lasers operate can help demystify the process and highlight their benefits.

Basic Principles (H2)

Fractional CO2 lasers work by emitting a high-energy beam of light that is split into thousands of tiny, microscopic dots. These dots precisely target the skin, penetrating the surface to remove old, damaged skin cells. The key to this technology lies in its precision—only a fraction of the skin is treated at a time, leaving the surrounding tissues intact. This method facilitates rapid healing and reduces the risk of side effects.

  • Beam Splitting: The laser beam is divided into thousands of minuscule columns to penetrate the skin surface.
  • Microscopic Dots: These columns create tiny wounds that stimulate the body's natural healing process.

Ablative and Thermal Effects on Targeted Areas, Surrounding Tissues Spared (H2)

The fractional CO2 laser has both ablative and thermal effects. Ablation removes the outer layer of damaged skin, while the thermal effect heats the underlying skin layers to stimulate collagen production. This dual action not only improves the skin’s texture and tone but also ensures that the surrounding areas are spared, leading to a safer treatment with minimal downtime.

  • Ablative Effects: Removes damaged skin cells.
  • Thermal Effects: Promotes collagen production in the deeper skin layers.

Ideal for Skin Resurfacing and Treatment of Scars, Wrinkles, Uneven Texture etc. (H2)

Thanks to its precision and effectiveness, fractional CO2 laser therapy is ideal for a wide range of skin issues. It excels at:

  • Skin Resurfacing
  • Scar Reduction
  • Wrinkle Smoothing
  • Evening Out Skin Texture

Patients seeking solutions for these concerns find fractional CO2 lasers to be a powerful option, offering noticeable improvements with fewer treatments compared to traditional methods.

Continuous vs Pulsed Modes (H2)

Fractional CO2 lasers can operate in either continuous or pulsed modes, each suited to different treatment goals. Continuous mode delivers a steady beam, ideal for deeper penetration and more significant resurfacing needs. Pulsed mode, on the other hand, offers precise control over the laser's intensity and duration, minimizing heat damage to the skin and allowing for a more comfortable recovery.

  • Continuous Mode: For deeper skin issues.
  • Pulsed Mode: For precision and reduced recovery time.

At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we leverage the versatility of fractional CO2 lasers to customize treatments to each client's specific needs, ensuring optimal outcomes with minimal discomfort. Whether addressing fine lines, deep wrinkles, or uneven skin texture, fractional CO2 lasers provide a safe, effective solution for skin rejuvenation.

Key Factors to Consider When Buying Used

When venturing into the realm of used fractional CO2 lasers, it's crucial to make an informed decision to ensure you receive a device that meets your practice's needs without compromising on quality or performance. TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes the importance of considering several key factors before making your purchase. Understanding these aspects can significantly impact your treatment capabilities and client satisfaction.

Power Output

The power output of a fractional CO2 laser is a critical factor as it determines the device's ability to penetrate the skin deeply and the speed at which treatments can be performed. Most used models offer a power range from 10-50W, which is sufficient for a wide array of treatment intensities, from gentle resurfacing to more aggressive treatments.

  • Higher Power: Allows deeper penetration and faster treatment times.
  • 10-50W Range: Suitable for diverse treatment needs.

Optical Energy

Optical energy, measured in millijoules (mJ), affects the depth of penetration into the skin, which is pivotal for treating various skin issues effectively. A range of 5-70mJ is typical for used fractional CO2 lasers, enabling practitioners to adjust the laser's intensity according to the specific treatment requirements.

  • 5-70mJ: Influences depth of penetration.
  • Adjustable Intensity: Tailors treatment to specific skin concerns.

Scan Area Size

The scan area size impacts how large of an area can be treated at once. With typical sizes ranging from 5-50mm, larger coverage areas can significantly reduce treatment times, making the procedure more efficient for both the practitioner and the patient.

  • 5-50mm: Typical range.
  • Larger Coverage: Ensures faster treatments.

Pulse Frequency

Pulse frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz), indicates how fast the laser emits pulses. A frequency range of 1-50Hz allows for quick treatments, with higher frequencies enabling shorter procedure times. This adjustment capability is essential for maximizing patient throughput and optimizing treatment effectiveness.

  • 1-50Hz: Range of pulse frequencies.
  • Faster Pulses: Mean shorter procedure times.

Weight and Dimensions

Considering the weight and dimensions of a fractional CO2 laser is important, especially if space is limited. Options vary from larger, benchtop units to more compact, portable models. Assessing your available space and mobility needs will guide you in selecting a device that fits your clinic's layout and operational flow.

  • Benchtop or Portable: Choose based on available space and mobility needs.

Brand Reputation

Finally, the brand reputation of the laser manufacturer can be a significant indicator of quality and reliability. Established brands like Cynosure and Lumenis are known for their durability and performance, offering peace of mind when investing in a used device.

  • Reputable Brands: Cynosure, Lumenis known for reliability.

At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we understand that purchasing a used fractional CO2 laser is a significant investment. By considering these key factors, you can make a more informed decision, ensuring that you acquire a device that will serve your practice's needs effectively and reliably.

Where to Buy Used Fractional Lasers

When it comes to expanding your practice's offerings with a used fractional CO2 laser, knowing where to look is half the battle. At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we recommend several avenues to find high-quality, reliable equipment. Each option has its benefits and considerations, ensuring you can make a choice that aligns with your needs, budget, and preferences.

Directly from Hospitals and Clinics

Purchasing directly from hospitals and clinics that are upgrading to newer models is a great way to acquire a used fractional CO2 laser. These sources often offer devices that have been well-maintained and come with detailed usage histories.

  • Benefits: Well-maintained equipment with verifiable histories.
  • Considerations: Availability may be limited to local areas.

Third-Party Medical Equipment Resellers and Refurbishing Companies

Third-party resellers and refurbishing companies specialize in the sale of used and refurbished medical equipment. These vendors often provide warranties, ensuring that the equipment meets specific quality standards.

  • Benefits: Equipment often comes with a warranty and quality assurance.
  • Considerations: Prices may be higher due to the refurbishing process and added warranties.

Online Marketplaces and Auction Sites

Online marketplaces and auction sites offer a wide inventory of used fractional lasers from various sellers, providing a broad range of options. While this route can lead to competitive pricing, it's important to exercise caution due to less oversight on equipment condition and seller reliability.

  • Benefits: Wide selection and potential for lower prices.
  • Considerations: Higher risk due to less oversight and potential for unreliable sellers.

When searching for a used fractional CO2 laser, it's crucial to assess the equipment's condition, inquire about any warranties or return policies, and consider the reputation of the seller. Whether you opt for a direct purchase from a medical facility, a certified reseller, or an online marketplace, thorough research and due diligence are your best tools for making a confident, informed decision.

At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we emphasize the importance of quality and reliability in your equipment choices. By exploring these avenues, you can find a used fractional CO2 laser that meets your practice's needs and budget, ensuring you can offer your clients the high-quality care they expect.

Key Vendors

In the journey to acquiring a used fractional CO2 laser, identifying reputable vendors is a cornerstone for a successful purchase. TruSkin Aesthetic Group has curated a list of key vendors known for their reliability, extensive inventories, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Each vendor brings something unique to the table, from flexible financing options to global shipping capabilities.

TruSkin Aesthetic Group

At TruSkin Aesthetic Group, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive inventory of used fractional CO2 lasers. Our focus is not only on providing high-quality equipment but also on ensuring our clients have access to flexible financing options, making it easier for practices of all sizes to acquire the technology they need.

  • Extensive Inventory: A wide selection of quality lasers.
  • Flexible Financing: Tailored options to meet diverse budget needs.

Global Medical Imaging

Global Medical Imaging stands out as a reliable supplier of used medical equipment, including fractional CO2 lasers. Their commitment to quality is matched by their ability to ship worldwide, ensuring that clinics and practices globally have access to top-tier equipment.

  • Reliable Supplier: Known for quality and integrity.
  • Global Shipping: Making equipment accessible worldwide.


MedWOW is a notable marketplace featuring equipment listings from verified sellers. This platform makes it easy to compare options, prices, and seller ratings, providing a transparent and secure environment for purchasing used fractional CO2 lasers.

  • Verified Sellers: Trust in the authenticity and condition of listed equipment.
  • Comprehensive Marketplace: Wide range of options and competitive pricing.

When selecting a vendor for your used fractional CO2 laser purchase, consider not only the price and condition of the equipment but also the after-sales support, warranty provisions, and the vendor's reputation in the industry. TruSkin Aesthetic Group, Global Medical Imaging, and MedWOW each offer unique advantages, ensuring that whatever your needs, there's a vendor that can meet them. By choosing wisely, you can make a valuable addition to your practice that will serve your patients well for years to come.

Average Used Prices and Expected Savings

Investing in a used fractional CO2 laser can be a wise decision for many aesthetic practices, offering significant cost savings without compromising on quality. Understanding the average prices and expected savings is crucial for making an informed purchase. TruSkin Aesthetic Group aims to provide a clear overview of what you can anticipate in terms of investment and value.

New Systems Cost

Brand new fractional CO2 lasers from top brands such as Cynosure and Lumenis can range from $30,000 to $80,000+, depending on the model and its features. These prices reflect the latest technology, comprehensive warranties, and full-service packages.

Used Fractional CO2 Lasers Pricing

Used fractional CO2 lasers typically fall into the $15,000 to $45,000 range. The wide price range accounts for factors such as the laser's age, condition, brand, and any included accessories. Purchasing used equipment can lead to substantial savings, often allowing practices to acquire higher-end models than they might afford new.

  • Average Price Range: $15,000 to $45,000
  • Savings: Significant compared to new models

Refurbished Model Savings

Refurbished models offer an excellent balance between quality and cost, generally priced around 40-60% less than their new counterparts. These lasers have been professionally restored to a like-new condition, often including a warranty for additional peace of mind.

  • Cost Savings: 40-60% less than new
  • Warranty: Often included, varying by seller

Additional Considerations

When evaluating the cost of a used or refurbished fractional CO2 laser, it's essential to consider factors beyond the sticker price:

  • Warranty Coverage: Ensures protection against potential issues.
  • Included Accessories: Can add value and functionality to your purchase.

By carefully considering these aspects, practices can achieve significant savings while acquiring a powerful tool to enhance their service offerings. TruSkin Aesthetic Group recommends thorough research and due diligence when selecting a used or refurbished laser to ensure it meets your specific needs and budget, maximizing the value of your investment.

Evaluating Condition and Performance

When considering the purchase of a used fractional CO2 laser, it's crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation of the equipment's condition and performance. TruSkin Aesthetic Group emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive assessment to ensure you're making a wise investment. Here's how to approach this critical process:

Visual Inspection

Start with a visual inspection of the laser system. This initial step can reveal a lot about how well the equipment has been cared for:

  • Check for External Damage: Look for signs of wear and tear, such as scratches or dents, which could indicate mishandling or potential internal issues.
  • Overall Cleanliness: A clean machine often suggests careful use and maintenance.

Maintenance Logs and Manuals

Reviewing the maintenance logs and user manuals provides insights into the laser's history and upkeep:

  • Service History: Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of the laser and ensure optimal performance.
  • Operational Guidelines: Manuals can help verify that the equipment has been used correctly.

Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic tests are essential to assess the technical health of the laser:

  • Laser Power and Calibration: Verify that the laser operates within the manufacturer's specified power range and that calibration is accurate.
  • Functional Checks: Ensure all system components are working correctly.

Trial Runs

Performing trial runs can offer a practical demonstration of the laser's operational efficiency:

  • Scan Coverage and Pulse Frequency: Assess the accuracy and uniformity of scan coverage, as well as the consistency of pulse frequency.
  • Real-World Performance: These tests mimic actual treatment conditions, providing a realistic view of the laser's capabilities.

Vendor Demonstrations

Request that the vendor demonstrate the laser's full range of functionality. This step is crucial for several reasons:

  • Functionality Check: Confirms that all advertised features are operational.
  • Operational Confidence: Provides peace of mind that the equipment performs as expected.

By following these guidelines from TruSkin Aesthetic Group, buyers can make an informed decision when purchasing a used fractional CO2 laser. Evaluating the condition and performance thoroughly ensures that the investment will deliver the desired results and reliability for aesthetic treatments.


Purchasing a used fractional CO2 laser represents a significant opportunity for cost savings without compromising on quality and performance. TruSkin Aesthetic Group recommends focusing on reputable suppliers and taking the time to educate yourself on the key specifications and features of the equipment you are considering. This knowledge is crucial for making an informed decision that aligns with your practice's needs and budget.

Key Takeaways

  • Major Cost Savings: Opting for a used or refurbished CO2 laser can offer savings of up to 60% compared to new models, allowing for a more accessible entry point or upgrade for your aesthetic practice.
  • Reputable Suppliers: Partner with established vendors known for their reliability and customer service, such as TruSkin Aesthetic Group, to ensure you receive a product that meets your expectations.
  • Education and Evaluation: Understand the specifications that matter, such as power output, pulse frequency, and optical energy. A thorough evaluation, including visual inspections, maintenance log reviews, diagnostic testing, and trial runs, is essential to verify the condition and functionality of the laser.
  • Due Diligence: Your diligence in the selection process can lead to acquiring a high-performance laser that delivers quality results for your clients, thereby enhancing the reputation and success of your practice.

In summary, while the prospect of purchasing a used fractional CO2 laser can be daunting, with the right approach, it becomes an excellent investment. By prioritizing reputable sources, educating yourself on the essential aspects of the equipment, and conducting a comprehensive evaluation, you can secure a laser that meets your clinical needs at a fraction of the cost of a new device. TruSkin Aesthetic Group is here to guide you through every step of this process, ensuring you achieve the best possible outcome for your practice and your patients.


Purchasing a used fractional CO2 laser can bring up several questions about its operation, maintenance, and overall value. Here, TruSkin Aesthetic Group addresses some of the most common inquiries to help guide your decision-making process.

What is the typical lifespan of a used fractional CO2 laser?

The lifespan of a used fractional CO2 laser can vary, typically ranging from 5 to 10 years, depending on its condition, usage frequency, and maintenance history. Regular care and servicing can significantly extend its useful life.

How often will maintenance and repairs be required?

Maintenance frequency depends on usage but expect annual servicing to ensure optimal performance. Repairs are less predictable, though choosing a laser with a good service record can minimize unexpected issues.

What training/certifications are needed to operate a used fractional laser legally and safely?

Requirements vary by region, but operators usually need certification in laser safety and sometimes specific training for the laser model. Ensure compliance with local regulations to operate legally and safely.

What warranty options come with used fractional lasers?

Warranty coverage can vary widely, from 30 days to 1 year, depending on the supplier. Always inquire about warranty options and what they cover before making a purchase.

What accessories are generally included with used fractional CO2 lasers?

Common accessories include handpieces, protective eyewear, and sometimes, additional scanning tips. Verify what's included, as this can affect the overall value and utility of the laser.

How easy is it to upgrade or replace the laser tube in a used fractional CO2 laser?

Ease of upgrade or replacement can vary. Some models allow for relatively straightforward laser tube changes, while others may require professional service. Consider this aspect for long-term maintenance and upgrade planning.

Can the software and user interface be updated on older used fractional CO2 laser models?

Updates depend on the manufacturer and model. Some allow for software upgrades to improve functionality or add new features, enhancing the laser's value over time.

Call to Action

For the best selection and pricing on used fractional CO2 lasers, contact the experts at TruSkin Aesthetic Group today at (888) 480-7327! Our team is ready to assist with every aspect of your purchase, from selection through training and beyond, ensuring you make the most informed and beneficial decision for your practice.

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TruSkin Aesthetic Group
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